Boost Your Growth: Selecting the Right Events for Optimal Learning

February 23, 2024

Ditch the Number-Crunching and Embrace Tranquility

Are you ready to set sail on the choppy seas of professional development? Tired of feeling like a castaway at dull, sales-pitchy conferences? Well, fear not, for I'm here to help you navigate towards the treasure trove of knowledge and growth. Our quest is simple: to swap number-crunching headaches for palm-tree tranquility.

The Secret Weapon: Strategic Planning and Financial Preparedness

That's right, my friends, we're dropping the anchor on expensive mistakes and hoisting the sail on boosting profits with strategic planning and financial preparedness.

Navigating the Murky Depths of Conference Selection

You're looking for pearls of wisdom, not seaweed of sales pitches. So, how do you spot the difference, you ask?

Beware of Pay-to-Play Conferences

Our sources reveal that pay-to-play conferences might be prioritizing profit over substance. In other words, they're more interested in their treasure chest than your learning journey.

The Real Gold: Genuine Industry Leaders

The real gold lies with industry leaders who are eager to share their knowledge, rather than just promoting themselves. So, before you invest your doubloons, make sure you're choosing an event where the speakers are genuine experts.

Time is Precious: Focus on What You Love

Remember, fellow adventurers, your time is precious. Don't waste it doing what you don't love. Leave the pros to handle the heavy lifting while you enjoy the tranquil waters of success.

Ready to Maximize Your Learning?

Are you ready to maximize your learning by choosing the right events? Then, let's set sail!

Donna Bordeaux, CPA with Calculated Moves

Creativity and CPAs don’t generally go together.  Most people think of CPAs as nerdy accountants who can’t talk with people.  Well, it’s time to break that stereotype.  Lively, friendly, and knowledgeable can be a part of your relationship with your CPA as demonstrated by Donna and Chad Bordeaux.  They have over 50 years of combined experience as entrepreneurial CPAs.  They’ve owned businesses and helped business owners exceed their wildest dreams.   They have been able to help businesses earn many times more profit than the average business in the same industry and are passionate about helping industries that help families build great memories.