Bookkeeping and Accounting

Are you thinking about buying or selling a business?  We can help you make the best deal possible.  Even if you are working with a brokered deal, make sure you have someone on your side to give you the advice to make sure the deal is in your best interests.  We offer services to assist you throughout each step of the process.

ROBS Financial Analysis

  • Compare the short and long-term costs of financing using various options to purchase your business.
  • Determine how using a ROBS (Rollover For Business Start-Up) Plan affects your tax and compensation options.
  • Analyze the administrative costs of ROBS versus traditional financing

Buy Now

Phase 1: Investigation

  • Before the non-disclosure agreement is signed (NDA)
  • General questions related to the idea of  purchasing or selling business
  • Basic financial considerations are known
  • Rule of thumb pricing analysis with no formal business valuation
  • Advice on what information to request of the other party to move forward into the Due Diligence Phase
  • Expected time frame: up to 2 weeks
  • Includes one strategy session for discussion in addition to email advice

Buy Now

Phase 2: Due Diligence

  • Non-disclosure agreement is signed (NDA)
  • Discuss asset purchase vs. stock purchase considerations
  • If Purchase: We will look at financial statements and tax returns of the seller and provide you with questions to ask in your investigation and discuss risks
  • If Sale: We will coach you on answering potential questions of the purchaser and information to be provided
  • Discuss tax ramifications and structure of sale for your best interest interest
  • Expected time frame: up to one month
  • Includes up to three strategy sessions in addition to email advice

Buy Now

Phase 3: Letter of Intent and Closing

  • Begins at the time the Letter of Intent is in place
  • Finalize tax ramifications and structure of sale for your best interest
  • Advice on entity selection for resulting business
  • Assistance with the formation of your new entity (additional fees apply)
  • Record fixed assets purchased or sale of fixed assets
  • Prepare Asset Acquisition Statement for IRS filing
  • Expected time frame: up to 2 weeks
  • Includes one strategy session for discussion in addition to email advice

we are with you

Get a Plan Together

Do yourself a solid and stop spinning in chaos—design a way forward and write it down. A blueprint for managing your life and your business will save you countless hours of counting sheep.

Kickstart your financial freedom with a free consultation.  Click the button to get started.